Monday, October 25, 2010

Do it anyway!

I love when I can do something for nothing, something that is born of another realm beyond myself. Sometimes, it can be silly like jumping up to touch high branches as I jog along. Sometimes, it can be serious like accompanying a loved one to court. I don't know why I am doing these things. I don't feel compelled or obliged. I am just following an energy that flows through me.

I expect nothing. But I get so much back.

Whatever this urge is, it puts me in alignment and takes my thoughts away from my habitual patterns to something more like not thinking, something more like oneness.


  1. I do this a lot Mary and you're right it just takes me away from my mundane rituals and makes me feel a oneness with others! I love making someone happy or giving them my time and help.

  2. you're a Giver my friend..the end
