Monday, October 25, 2010

Magical Touch

I gave Andy a massage today. She was in pain. She's been in pain for a while now. She was sitting outside our kids' school on a bench. She couldn't laugh or breath deeply. Last week, she couldn't move her neck. I tried to touch her back a week ago and she screamed. At least I knew to touch her very gently.

There was a spot beside her shoulder blade and it was as if I could see a ball of energy stuck there. I rubbed it very gently. I rubbed around it. I rubbed a little deeper. She was moaning and groaning with pleasure. I felt energy rise in my own body and focused it into hers to help disperse the knots she had accumulated.

"No body ever does this for me," she muttered.

I know the feelings she is experiencing, how like magic a touch can release a brick load of stress and fear that is stored in our bodies. I wonder why someone else's touch is so much more efficient and pleasurable than our own.

I also realize that being the toucher is a beautiful sensation, that is evokes feelings of affection and connection to the person I am touching.

I spontaneously bent down and hugged her cheek to my cheek. And a very comfortable easy intimacy developed in such a public place.


  1. you're filled with so much love for human kind Mary...xoxox

  2. I know that message helped...more than you know.. I am forever grateful! xo
